Wednesday, April 18, 2012

blog entry 9 Argument Essay

This article about the red pill or blue pill is the ignorance bliss adapted from the protagonist of the film of the Matrix and Alice's Adventures. The blue pill and red pill that Morpheus offers Neo is like if you offering Alice the magic drink and cake so she could shrink or grow to gigantic proportions. In this article Neo goes throught a mirror like Alice. He is going into a new world when he morphs into mirror material before he is being unplugged from the Matrix. Neo had a series of experience which leave him wondering who he is and what is real. In this film the viewers are must wondering whether Neo is actually awake or he is dreaming because Neo is only quest to distinguish illusion from reality. After Neo took the pill the Morpheus told him that he is in the future already where humans are fighting against intelligent machines that they created early in the 21st century. So if he takes the blue pill the story will end and disrupt the computer program of the matrix and allow for Neo's escape into the real world and believe whatever he wants. The red pill allows Morpheus and his crew to free Neo from the Matrix and finally gives Neo the opportunity to be able to distinguish appearance from reality.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blog 7

This article states the dangers of reality TV. Reality television reinforces several unsound messages which are molding the minds of young fans. Reality television shows are sending dangerous messages to people. The message that reality television are sending out to the people are the importance of compettion, the value of image over ability and the obsoleescence of education. The author believe that competition is the key to success in a capitalist economy however it also sends the message that the key to success is image rather than ability.

One of the message that reality TV sends out is the importance of competition. I believe that competition is the key to success in a capitalist economy, on the other hand reality tv shows reinforce the idea that life is nothing but just a competition. The second messages was that the key to success is image rather than ability. It means that the image of the person is more important than the substance. In the world of reality television people think that the message it is sending out is the good, but it lead people to believe that having a certain image will get you rich when in reality it will not. A lot of people just wants to believe that and they dont want to open their mind to see the truth for example in the article of the Allergartion of the Cave prisioners believe in shadows or sounds that they were hearing or seeing but they didnt want to see the reality that was outside the cave. It is becuase most of the people dont want to open their mind and give themselves a chance to explore new things and see the beautiful things that are around them, such as the opportunity for a higher education.

The last and probably the single most dangerous message is that these shows send that education is completely unnecessary to fulfill the American dream. In this case many people are believing that you could make more money with out getting a college education and that you dont need to go to school and face the difficulties of learning something new when you can just get rich quick and fulfill the american dream that way. This is why many people don't find a good job because they dont have a college degree and now a days every company is asking for the experience and which is your last year in school. Sometimes when company or businesss sees that you dont have any experience they dont offer you the position. I think that continuing your education is an important step that you as a person have to follow and finish so you could have the opportunity to have a good job or open your own business. With a college degree you would have the experience that you need to suceed in your business if not you are going to ended up closing your company or business. This is why these TV shows dont have the right to be sending out this kind of message to people about that education is completely unnecessary in life.

Reality tv shows are sending the wrong message to people. People have to see and believe in what is good for them and not to let anybody to tell them in what they have to believe in. Only we have the power to decide and believe in what we want. The makers of reality tv shows are insidiously suggesting that they are replicating society when in fact they are not. Reality TV is a bad influence with these dangerous message that are being sent out to the community.

Blog 5

Coming out of the cave

Blog 6

Truman Show