Wednesday, April 18, 2012

blog entry 9 Argument Essay

This article about the red pill or blue pill is the ignorance bliss adapted from the protagonist of the film of the Matrix and Alice's Adventures. The blue pill and red pill that Morpheus offers Neo is like if you offering Alice the magic drink and cake so she could shrink or grow to gigantic proportions. In this article Neo goes throught a mirror like Alice. He is going into a new world when he morphs into mirror material before he is being unplugged from the Matrix. Neo had a series of experience which leave him wondering who he is and what is real. In this film the viewers are must wondering whether Neo is actually awake or he is dreaming because Neo is only quest to distinguish illusion from reality. After Neo took the pill the Morpheus told him that he is in the future already where humans are fighting against intelligent machines that they created early in the 21st century. So if he takes the blue pill the story will end and disrupt the computer program of the matrix and allow for Neo's escape into the real world and believe whatever he wants. The red pill allows Morpheus and his crew to free Neo from the Matrix and finally gives Neo the opportunity to be able to distinguish appearance from reality.

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